Planador gigante ? - Messerschmitt Me 321 Giant glider

Este é um espaço destinado tanto para as pessoas que gostam do vôo silencioso e tranquilo dos planadores quanto para aqueles que curtem a adrenalina do voo rápido e acrobático dos planadores de colina.
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Marcos Quito
Mensagens: 2061
Registrado em: Qui Set 16, 2004 10:04 am
Localização: São Carlos - SP

Planador gigante ? - Messerschmitt Me 321 Giant glider

Mensagem por Marcos Quito »

Esse é o campeão !

55metros de asa !
34 toneladas !!
Capacidade para 150 soldados !!
Usavam 03 BF110 para rebocar um destes !!

Cadê o Erick para fazer um de 5 metros para o Combate em Pira ?!?!

Messerschmitt Me 321 Gigant Giant transport glider
First Flight March 7, 1941
Manufacturer Messerschmitt
Length 28.15 m
Wingspan 55.00 m
Height 10.15 m
Loaded 12,400 kg
34,400 kg
Engine none
Maximum speed
Service ceiling 160 km/h
-- km
-- m
Armament 4 x MG 15 machine guns

Before going to war in 1939 Germany had explored and developed the use of parachute and airborne troops, thus ensuring that man-made barricades (such as the Maginot Line or Albert Canal) or natural barriers (such as the Kithirai Channel) would provide no hindrance to gaining a strong foothold in desirable territory. Early deployment of airborne forces had shown the need for gliders of greater capability than, for example, the DFS 230 used to capture the Belgian fort of Eben-Emael. There were many advantages in using gliders as opposed to free fall paratroops: the unit was not dispersed and troops did not need often precious moments to disentangle themselves from shroud lines or a billowing parachute.

Consequently Junkers and Messerschmitt competed in 1940 to design and develop a very large transport glider suitable for the delivery of men or materials. Junkers' Ju 322 Mammut (Mammoth) spanned 62.0m and would have accommodated more than 100 fully equipped troops, but when tested proved to be unstable and was cancelled by the Reichsluftfahrtministeriurn. On the other hand Messerschmitt's Me 321 was a most successful design of braced high-wing configuration and with construction of welded steel tube, wood and fabric. The pilot was perched high on the fuselage in a single-seat cockpit, adjacent to the wing's leading edge. Access to the main cabin was via large clamshell doors in the nose or by doors on each side of the rear fuselage. A payload of 22,000kg could be carried.

The Me 321 VI prototype flew first in March 1941 and Me 321A-1 production aircraft entered service in May of that year. The later Me 321B-1 had a crew of three and defensive armament of four 7.9mm MG 15 machine-guns. Me 321 (some 200 built) were towed usually by a trio of Bf 110C or by the unusual five-engined Heinkel He 111Z. Rocket units could be used to assist take-off from rough fields.

Before going to war in 1939 Germany had explored and developed the use of parachute and airborne troops, thus ensuring that man-made barricades (such as the Maginot Line or Albert Canal) or natural barriers (such as the Kithirai Channel) would provide no hindrance to gaining a strong foothold in desirable territory. Early deployment of airborne forces had shown the need for gliders of greater capability than, for example, the DFS 230 used to capture the Belgian fort of Eben-Emael. There were many advantages in using gliders as opposed to free fall paratroops: the unit was not dispersed and troops did not need often precious moments to disentangle themselves from shroud lines or a billowing parachute.

Consequently Junkers and Messerschmitt competed in 1940 to design and develop a very large transport glider suitable for the delivery of men or materials. Junkers' Ju 322 Mammut (Mammoth) spanned 62.0m and would have accommodated more than 100 fully equipped troops, but when tested proved to be unstable and was cancelled by the Reichsluftfahrtministeriurn. On the other hand Messerschmitt's Me 321 was a most successful design of braced high-wing configuration and with construction of welded steel tube, wood and fabric. The pilot was perched high on the fuselage in a single-seat cockpit, adjacent to the wing's leading edge. Access to the main cabin was via large clamshell doors in the nose or by doors on each side of the rear fuselage. A payload of 22,000kg could be carried.

The Me 321 VI prototype flew first in March 1941 and Me 321A-1 production aircraft entered service in May of that year. The later Me 321B-1 had a crew of three and defensive armament of four 7.9mm MG 15 machine-guns. Me 321 (some 200 built) were towed usually by a trio of Bf 110C or by the unusual five-engined Heinkel He 111Z. Rocket units could be used to assist take-off from rough fields.

BIG Towing Problems:
A major problem was provided by the lack of a suitable tow plane. The Ju-90 possessed barely sufficient power to tow the glider off the ground with minimum ballast, and although work had commenced on the Heinkel-Zwilling intended specifically to act as an Me 321 tug, it was obvious that some considerable time must elapse before this unique aircraft could be made available to the Schleppstaffeln. An interim solution was the so-called Troika-Schlepp or triple-tow arrangement of three Bf 110C fighters evolved after a great deal of experimentation. The Troika-Schlepp demanded a very high degree of proficiency, on the part of the tow plane pilots, and in theory the three Bf 110 fighters took off in close-vee formation towing the Gigant by means of 10-mm. steel cables, that of the lead aircraft being 328 ft. in length and those of the port and starboard aircraft being 262 ft. long.
ME-321-4View.jpg (19.25 KiB) Exibido 6183 vezes
me-321-title-img.jpg (13.19 KiB) Exibido 6183 vezes
Troika-ME-321.jpg (11.77 KiB) Exibido 6183 vezes
Tire esse negócio que gira do nariz do seu modelo !!
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Registrado em: Seg Out 15, 2007 9:06 pm
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Mensagem por Magneto »

Impressionante como a II guerra impulsionou a aviação. As diversas necessidades criaram e adaptaram as aeronaves para diversos usos.

FPV - Pratique!
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Registrado em: Sáb Set 20, 2003 8:56 pm
Localização: Ottawa, ON Canada

Mensagem por Ericfly »

Poxa, conhecia este mas na versão motorizada (6 motores). Tem um aero elétrico escala dele, da graupner, com 6 motores 280 direct drive.
Marcos, de onde vc descobre essas coisas?
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Registrado em: Sáb Set 20, 2003 8:56 pm
Localização: Ottawa, ON Canada

Re: Planador gigante ? - Messerschmitt Me 321 Giant glider

Mensagem por Ericfly »

[quote:1c8f35a20e="MARCOS QUITO"]
Cadê o Erick para fazer um de 5 metros para o Combate em Pira ?!?!
Acho melhor já fazer um escala 1:5, ou seja, 11 metros, e eu mesmo voar nele em pira. Mas aí nada de combate!!!
Espécime híbrido de Homo Electricus, Homo Termicus e Homo Slopiens
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Marcos Quito
Mensagens: 2061
Registrado em: Qui Set 16, 2004 10:04 am
Localização: São Carlos - SP

Mensagem por Marcos Quito »

Eu conheço este ME321 desde muito tempo atrás, eu tinha um daqueles livros "Aviões da Luftwafe".
Tinha uma única página que eu ficava lendo, só desta história.
O que não dizia, e diz nestes links que eu coloquei, é que houve vários acidentes durante o reboque - porque eram 03 bimotores para rebocar um planador !
A corda de desengate puxa os aviões para o centro, causando os choques.

É difícil até de imaginar a cena - acho que o piloto do reboque só vai porque é ordem...

Erik, fiz o cálculo do fator cúbico para ele com 11 metros, teria que pesar uns 180 quilos - tá bom para você ?
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Mensagens: 1490
Registrado em: Sáb Set 20, 2003 8:56 pm
Localização: Ottawa, ON Canada

Mensagem por Ericfly »

Opa, acho que então posso entrar nele...hehheeheh
Eu li sobre este problema no reboque. Imagino porque não colocaram os ganchos um em cada ponta da asa e um no centro do planador. Bem, talvez tivesse o problema de em um tranco quebrar a ponta da asa. Mas ainda acho que seria algo possível.
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Registrado em: Ter Mai 02, 2006 6:08 pm
Localização: Rio das Ostras

Mensagem por sandro_ventania »

Imaginem a cara dos soldados ao procurarem o motor do avião e não acharem?!!he he he he !!!
Ainda hoje, tem gente que não sabe que existe "avião que voa sem motor" !
Marcão do Bucker
Mensagens: 28
Registrado em: Qui Mai 29, 2008 12:17 am
Localização: Piracicaba- SP

Mensagem por Marcão do Bucker »

vejam este site a respeito da Luftwaffe, em portugues.
vejam as biografis dos ases. é muito show.
Alem dos avioes.
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Eduardo Yamin
Mensagens: 6278
Registrado em: Qui Dez 25, 2003 10:30 am
Localização: Capital Federal, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Mensagem por Eduardo Yamin »

[quote:5d2a7bf06a="Marcão do Bucker"]vejam este site a respeito da Luftwaffe, em portugues.
vejam as biografis dos ases. é muito show.
Alem dos avioes.[/quote:5d2a7bf06a]

Bacana mas.... fiquei boquiaberto, não citam sequer o nome de [url=]Ernst Udet[/url] intrigante!
Marcão do Bucker
Mensagens: 28
Registrado em: Qui Mai 29, 2008 12:17 am
Localização: Piracicaba- SP

Mensagem por Marcão do Bucker »

Ernest Udet na verdade foi um às da 1a guerra mundial, com 62 vitorias, logo atras de Richentoften. ele voou no periodo do entre guerras, inclusive indo para os EUA participar de shows aereos e campeonatos.
lá ele conheceu um curtiss, bombardeiro de picada. atraves do governo alemao comprou dois e levou para a Alemanha a fim de estuda-los. é desse episodio que nasceu mais tarde o famoso Stuka.
tive o prazer de ler uma biografia dele, feita em 1933. se procurar no youtube verá ele pegando um lenço no chao com a ponta da asa e outras coisinhas mais.

na reestruturação da luftwaffe, ele foi responsavel pela produçao dos avioes, inclusive escolhendo o FW 109 como caça padrao. o fato da cabine ser retangular era pra facilitar a produçao em massa.
durante a 2a guerra, logo no começo, nao lembro o motivo, ele se suicidou.
Marcão do Bucker